Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Breast Pump Size - Breast Shield

I recently received this email from a worried customer:

"I had my baby 4 weeks ago and tried
expressing for the first time 2 days ago. I'm not sure if I have the wrong size breast shield or what I'm doing wrong, but it seemed very hard to get a flow going (and my breasts were full) It flows out for a couple of pumps then nothing. Then occasionally there's some continuous flow, but for no obvious reason - as in can't see what I'm doing differently. Also for a while after pumping my nipples are quite sore."

I replied to her:

"It is quite common for women to find it difficult to
express, and it is quite a "mind set" to overcome to get the letdown coming. But based on the sporadic nature of the milk coming out, that you described, I would first assume that you are not getting a very good suction seal around your breast. (and therefore a 21mm breast shield for pump would probably be better) I would suggest you try the smaller breast shield, you can order this directly from me with your credit card. "

Knowing what size breast shield to get is one of the hardest things that i ever have to consult on.

That communication was back in August, but today I received another email from the same lady who wrote:

"I don't know if I ever emailed you back after buying the
smaller medela breast shield to say that it has been just right for me. I've been able to express milk fine since using this one - so the medium must have been a little big and not sealed properly. So thanks for your helpful advice with this. Baby is now 4.5 months old and is happy and healthy. Breastfeeding and sleeping is all going well. "

I'm so pleased that I was able to help!

(this advice is copy righted to me. Ok.)