Monday, April 27, 2009

manual breast pump

A customer recently sent me an email asking about the following:

I have a manual Medela breast pump and its fantastic but get sick of pumping and want to purchase an electric pump. I usually only pump once a day in the evening (this is for my son's bottle feed the following night) and occasionally I pump off so that I can go out or do the odd day at work. Is an electric pump quicker or just less fuss? Also if I purchase a double pump can I use just one side at a time? Have heard electric pumps are noisy, how noisy exactly are they? Is it something that you can put up with?

I know exactly what you mean about getting sick of pumping, the manual pumps do take a lot of work, and sore hand, to get the milk. For your situation then I would recommend the Mini Electric pump.

electric pump is quicker to use, it gets the milk out faster, and it is less fuss to use. But yes the Mini electric is quite noisy. I have put some video recordings on my website (via youtube) to try and show the noise.

You also ask about the
double breast pump. Yes it is possible to use this just one side at a time, rather than both breasts at the same time. But if that is what you are planning to do, then you might aswell just stick with the Mini Electric. The double pump is just to help speed up the expressing process, but is more suited to someone that needs to express more often.

The double one makes exactly the same noise as the single.

For more information or to discuss YOUR requirements just contact us at our website