Thursday, November 26, 2009

BNZ Global Plus

Dear customers

Please note that if you are a BNZ or Global Plus credit card holder, many websites will now require you to use the Verified by Visa system.  This is an additional security measure that the banks have in place for your security.  When you are on a shopping cart, after you enter your credit card number on the secure page, then the Verified by Visa picture may come up on your screen (such as the picture attached).

Though remember, if you are ever shopping on any website and you don’t feel comfortable with credit card options etc, then PHONE the company before you place the order. 

Online businesses such as Breastmates can process the transaction manually if you read out your card number over the phone.  This is the safest way if you are ever concerned about anything.

And just so you know about me, I actually enter the numbers while you are on the phone with me, I don’t even write them down on my note pad.

Now I just wish the banks would tell their customers that they have these security facilities active on the customers credit card!!