Thursday, April 30, 2009
She writes:
Thanks for the order - have received my lingerie and love it - so comfortable. Please can you let me know when you get any new designs in the future. Cheers, Caroline
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Breast-Feeding Cushion
Thanks for the great breast-feeding cushion, the BabyFirst one. It is taking a lot of the strain off my shoulders now that my baby is getting a bit heavier. The roll bars are great, that extra bit of security is fantastic. Also like that it clips around the waist so that the cushion can't move away from my body. Thanks for a great product. Nicola

Order from Australia
Hi Frances – you offer a very efficient and personal service and I think your business deserves to succeed and flourish. My parcel of HOTmilk arrived this morning. I’m really impressed with the speed of your service and will be letting my Mother’s Group friends know about you!
Kind regards
My business is
It makes my day to get a lovely message like this :-)
Super Size your Breast Pump? No
"There’s one post in particular where you tell a woman about the various breastpumps, and tell her she’d be better with what would be the cheaper single electric pump. That post speaks volumes about you, and how you care about your clients more than the profit margins..."
Yes that is true, I would hate for someone to purchase the wrong breast pump from me and find they they had spent too much money when they only needed a small pump rather than a turbo one. 'tis all part of the service.
Pump Battery Cover
Hi there,
I have a Madela Mini breast pump and have lost the battery cover - can you let me know if it is possible to get one - if so how much would it be.
No sorry unfortunately we don’t sell the battery cover for mini electric as a spare part. We do have spare parts for all other parts of the medela equipment, its just the pump battery cover for the mini electric is not sold as a spare. Sorry!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
HOTmilk Australia
We sent it on Thursday, and she now received it the following Tuesday.
Hi Frances I received my package yesterday and wanted to thank you for the super quick delivery and great service. The breastfeeding tops are great and the Hot Milk PJs are fab! I will be sure to let my friends know of your site. Kind regards Jacqui
Monday, April 27, 2009
Medela Nipple Shields
I would like to purchase some Medula Breast Sheilds. The one I currently has says 18mm. Is this the small size? Do you have any breast shields in stock? Am I able to purchase this directly from your website - I see only medium available there.
My answer: The medela breast shields (nipple shields) only come in sizes 16mm, 20mm, and 24mm (S, M, L) We have the size 20mm nipple shield in stock today, and will have the other size nipple protectors later this week. But just wanted to confirm the size with you.

Mothers Day Prizes
Mother’s Day is our favourite time of year!
To celebrate all the gorgeous HOTmilk women, there are 3 Pamper Packs to be won
wrapped in a stylish baby bag for the new mother!
Driving in the Country
So it was my husbands birthday the other day, we we decided that we would drive to Te Awamutu for a birthday dinner at McDs.
So we were driving in the country, in the dark, with no street lights.
My four year old son started crying and was really distressed about the darkness. He wanted to go home. We managed to distract him.
But it was the first time that he had driven in the dark country, without any street lights. What a city slicker!!
manual breast pump
I have a manual Medela breast pump and its fantastic but get sick of pumping and want to purchase an electric pump. I usually only pump once a day in the evening (this is for my son's bottle feed the following night) and occasionally I pump off so that I can go out or do the odd day at work. Is an electric pump quicker or just less fuss? Also if I purchase a double pump can I use just one side at a time? Have heard electric pumps are noisy, how noisy exactly are they? Is it something that you can put up with?
I know exactly what you mean about getting sick of pumping, the manual pumps do take a lot of work, and sore hand, to get the milk. For your situation then I would recommend the Mini Electric pump.
An electric pump is quicker to use, it gets the milk out faster, and it is less fuss to use. But yes the Mini electric is quite noisy. I have put some video recordings on my website (via youtube) to try and show the noise.
You also ask about the double breast pump. Yes it is possible to use this just one side at a time, rather than both breasts at the same time. But if that is what you are planning to do, then you might aswell just stick with the Mini Electric. The double pump is just to help speed up the expressing process, but is more suited to someone that needs to express more often.
The double one makes exactly the same noise as the single.
For more information or to discuss YOUR requirements just contact us at our website
breast pads
I have already purchased brestfeeding bras off you (after being recommended your site by my sister in law) and breast pads. Your hemp breast pads are fantastic. Really comfortable to wear and discreet. I’ve found that they are basically invisible under tops as they are so thin and larger than the others I have which obviously appear as little circles underneath my top saying “look at me I’m wearing breast pads!" : ) I would highly recommend your ones them to anyone. Get lots so you can change them regularly and feel fresh and clean and you don’t have the added pressure of getting the washing done so that you can rest and take care of baby! Lauren
You can order the hemp breast pads here:

Friday, April 24, 2009
Mumcho Poncho
Thursday, April 23, 2009
The Cat Wrecked my Breast Pump
Can you tell me how much two of the silicone tubes with the connectors are for the medela double electric, my cat chewed them up!!!!! also what is the price on two soft fit breastshields.
All parts available are listed here, we can get them for you:
Maternity Stockings
"Bump Friendly" maternity stockings.
These are light weight maternity tights, which differ to panty hose because the fabric is a bit more durable. They will last for ages and ages and ages. Plus the fabric of these maternity stockings won't run or fray, so you can actually cut of the feet and make footless leggings - which looks great this season with layered clothing.
The pantyhose allow enough space for bump, without being too tight.
To see more information and to order some maternity tights, go to our store here

Hire Breast Pump Waikato
We will supply the Symphony double electric breast pump, which is a premium one to use.
We will be supplying rental breast pumps for mothers in the greater Waikato area.
Please see this webpage for more information

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Red Breastfeeding Top
Another great style of breast feeding top for winter. Long sleeve warm top, which looks and feels great. I love the cut of this nursing top.
To order this nursing top, just to to our webstore here:
Nursing Clothing for Winter
This is a new style of nursing top that we have at our webstore. Just a little demonstration to show you how the nursing top opens up for breastfeeding.
Breast Feeding Clothes - Long Sleeve
It just looks like a normal top, but has a special design
To order this nursing top go to this page:
Breastfeeding Hoodies for Winter
Just because it is hard to tell how these hoodies look on a webpage, I have done some demos.
Breastfeeding Hoodies are available online at
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Maternity Products Waikato
We are online stockists of a whole range of baby products and maternity products, including HOTmilk Maternity Lingerie which means that we can send this nationwide or worldwide.
Our new marketing campaign focuses on the fact that we offer a maternity bra fitting service from our Studio Shop in the Waikato.
You just need to make an appointment to have a bra fitting, then you can come over. We operate this business from a Studio at our home in Cambridge. You will receive a personal and private appointment with Frances for a bra fitting. Eftpos is available.
Now you can also visit Frances for a Waikato maternity bra fitting - and you might just come away with a gorgeous, pretty, and sexy maternity bra style that you will LOVE! We carry the HOTmilk range of nursing lingerie.
If you are near to Cambridge, you can take advantage of our maternity bra fitting service. Come over and see our range of products in real life. Cambridge is also a nice little town if you want a country drive, and lunch at a nice cafe. Actually we are getting a lot of visitors who come from out of town, in their last few weeks of pregnancy, mum-to-be and dad-to-be come to Cambridge for a quaint little day out together before their baby arrives.
For more information go to our website
Bras for Africa - UK
Read more about the collection here
The list below are the stores in England that are accepting donations:
Amanda Jane Lingerie 69 Harpur St, MK40 2SR, BEDFORD 01234 327799
Bizou 5 Danby Wynd, YARM 0164 278 9009
Bordello 55 Gt Eastern St, LONDON 0798 414 9089
Brassiere 4 Leeds Road, HIPPERHOLME 01422 201 753
Bravado Underwear 18 Baker St, Stirling, STIRLINGSHIRE 01786 469 777
Eden Lingerie 7 Cocoa Yard, NANTWICH 01270 610071
Esu Lingerie Ltd 18 Middleton Rd, Royton, OLDHAM 0161 627 5757
Femme Fatale The Square, Lenham, MAIDSTONE 01622 851 444
Fishnets Lingerie 24 Skinner St, YO21 3AJ, WHITBY 01947 604 702
Le Reve Lingerie 6 Bene't St, CAMBRIDGE 01223 328 111
OH Knickers 6 river Street, TRURO 01872 242 461
Sigi 9 White Swan Court, Priory St, NP25 3NY, MONMOUTH 01600 711988
Swells Maternity Wear 204 Dury Walk, Broadmarsh Centre, NOTTINGHAM 0115 9470408
Vanilla Bloom 39-43 William St, EDINBURGH 0131 220 2502
Breastfeeding Hoodies
Thanks for the breastfeeding hoodie and the prompt service. Really pleased with it, a good fit and lovely fabric. Will certainly recommend breastmates when the opportunity arises. Regards,

Friday, April 17, 2009
Winter Nursing Tops

Long Sleeve Nursing Tops
I hope you like these breastfeeding tops that we have at our store!
For more information, and size guides, colour comparisons etc view the site here

Breastfeeding Hoodie
These have a mohair wool blend fabric which feels divine.
Now we have more information on our website, aswell as colour charts so you can compare the colour as it may show up a bit too light on your screen.
breastfeeding hoodies are available at our store here

Breast Feeding Tops for Winter
Long sleeve classic style tops. Lovely quality fabrics. And the design of these means that no-one will know there is a secret access layer underneath.
You can order all of our breastfeeding clothes via our website
This particular style of breast feeding top is a "wrap style" in a lovely ruby red colour.

Baby Gifts

Nature's Sway Slng
Bras for Africa
1) In a sentence or two, what is the 'Bras for Africa' campaign all about? The campaign is about collecting preloved bras that are then distributed to women in Zimbabawe. Most women have a bra or two that they are no longer wearing, but yet still in good condition, so we have been collecting them up to give to women that have very little.
2) When did this idea come to you? and how? (Dates (months) to be specific) I was notified about this collection initiative from the company that supplies the maternity bras that I sell on my website This company is HOTmilk and they told me about the idea to start a collection to support Zimbabawean women. I was told about this campaign, and asked to participate on 21/1/2009.
I believe HOTmilk had heard about the campaign through the Knickers for Africa charity. There is also a women named Morag Roy, a Zimababwean now living in Australia who travelled back to her home country and saw the need.
I thought I would use some of the contacts through my business to promote the word. I sent out a newsletter to my database of customers. Most women, mothers in particular, have bras that they nolonger fit especially after having children so it seemed the perfect way to collect a lot of bras.
3) Why is it a passion for you to do this campaign? Well I do love lingerie!!
4) Why did you think to give Bras to Africa and not things such as money, education, school stationary? Well I know that women and children in Africa and Zimbabwe need anything and everything, they have nothing. Sure there probably are more important things they could do with first. But bras align with my business so it was something that fit quite well. I didn’t realize the response that I would have had, now over 4,000 bras in the past month.
5) How are you hoping to help people in Africa particularly Zimbabwe with the Bras for Africa Campaign? I have been told by the organizers, that if a women in Zimbabwe owns a bra it can help give them prestige and confidence, and this can help prevent abuse. If just one of these bras helps a women in this way, then I believe that it will have been worth all my time. Plus I hope that the women who receive this items, knows that other people in the world care about them.
6) What are your thoughts on people who believe this campaign is not going to help Africa? Well I would like to ask these people what THEY are doing that could help Africa, and maybe I can be involved in that.
7) Are you hoping to set up another campaign other than Bras in the forseeable future? If so, what? Initially I was just going to do the bras, but I have felt very rewarded doing this bra collection, so yes I would hope to do more in the future.
I would like to acknowledge the support that I have received from so many people with regards to this collection. Many people have started “mini-collections” at their places of work and have dropped big boxes off to me. I have had donations from women, girls, grandmothers, women who have gained weight, women who have lost weight, women who have had mastectomies, and even some transsexuals and cross-dressers!
I would also like to acknowledge Express Logistics Ltd who have already taken the first truckload of now 4,000+ bras from me, and who along with HOTmilk will be transporting the container.
For more information, please refer people to my website
(copyright interview)
some personal feedback that i want to gloat about
Does your hubby realize what a fantastic wife he has, man you are so efficient online and off. So you have packed, moved a couple of hundred kms, with 2 kids and a hubby, unpacked and are back online, business as usual… all in what 4 days….. god I want to be married to someone like you lol…., WONDER FRAN…to the rescue .hehehehe
actually it was all within 2 days. then soon after the children had a tummy bug, and now they both have chicken pox so it has been a very busy few weeks!!!? what an upheavel!!
Mothers Minder Wristbands

Mothers Minder Reminder Wristbands
I received this interesting feedback from a happy customer the other day
"I wanted to thank you for your prompt delivery of my Mother Minder Wristbands. I was delighted to receive them so quickly. I bought three of them for three of my pregnant friends, and one for myself, even though my "baby" is now 15 months.I think they certainly are revolutionary and I have been wearing mine ever since and have already told about 5 mum's and mum's-to-be. I plan to use mine for when my daughter needs medication. Also great as my husband can wear it too... very handy as he's the most forgetful person I've come across yet ;-) "
Family Owned Business
Some feedback about my WAHM home-based business that I started
"I was excited to hear that Breastmates is a family owned business, I have been telling my friends this too. .... I think alot of us Mum's .... and Dad's... appreciate parents going into business to help other parents, I also think we like to help our local economy in these hard times."
Medela Spare Parts for Pump

Yes thats right. Yes we can supply this small part for your harmony breast pump, no problem at all.
We do supply all spare parts for all medela products.
We are based in Waikato, New Zealand but can send the items anywhere in the world.
Chu Chu Teats
When I sent out confirmation that her order was being sent the same day, I said I was pleased that she was ordering more of these teats, as she must like them. Personally I really really like them and have used them with both my children.
She replied "you're right! Baby wouldn't take any bottle, and these seem to work! so sticking with them. Then I was telling my plunket nurse, or think she is well child nurse, and she said she remembered Chu Chu from years ago, when working with children with cleft problems, she wanted one to have on hand, so thought I'd order another one too. We're going well now, since she takes a bottle, can have time out! "

Customer Service or Not?
"Thanks so much for organising the service on my swing breast pump - it arrived here this morning!! Great service."
No problem about arranging for her breast pump to be fixed, it was covered under warranty.
Now this lady dropped the faulty breast pump off to me (in the Waikato) and when she visited my son Lochie would have had chicken pox contagious stage (although we didnt know as the spots hadnt come out yet). I really hope that we didn’t give it to this customer's little baby son – that would be really bad customer service don’t you think!!
Breast Pump Not Working - Solution

Breast Pump Not Working?
"I have a medela breast pump which is less than a year old, and now it's not pumping and I'm pretty sure it's the motor. I've bought new valves and membranes and tried that but no luck."
ANSWER: The first thing to try is replacing the valves and membranes, as you have done. Now you need to try flushing out the motor using a teaspoon or so of warm water poured in through the part where you attach the tube, do it while it's running.
For more information, help and advise on Breast Pumps go to our website
Breast Pump Looses Suction

For the MEDELA BREAST PUMP: Breast pump looses suction and draws milk into motor. This will most probably be because the membrane has milk residue and the Valve Head was chipped. The solution is to replace the Valve Head and Membrane, and then the pump should have the correct suction levels.
**Customer Please Note: The breast pump valve and membrane is one of your main points of suction, if this is either split, milk residue, chipped or not sitting flat on the yellow piece (valve head) you will not get the correct suction. When this happens it causes the milk to go back up the elbow through the tubing and into the motor. If this happens over a period of time it will cause the motor to clog with milk and the motor will end up dying on you. **
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Waikato Maternity
She came today to our new place in Cambridge, in the Waikato. She was passing through, and thought it would be a good opportunity to buy some product (as we do have great prices) so it was worthwhile for her to call in.
I am pleased that my Auckland customers can now find me in Cambridge too!!
Breast Pump Prices
All the retailers are doing this, as the supplier has put up their costs. Its not just us!!
We are very sorry that we have had to pass on the increase in costs from our suppliers, we have tried to hold out as long as we could to keep the prices low for you but the increase finally had to happen.
You will see that our website prices for avent and medela products are still MUCH cheaper than retail shops, we are trying to absorb some of the price increases so that we remain totally competitive.
You can see all our breast pumps and related products here:
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Blog Posts for March
Российские Матери нуждаются в Лифчике
Bras for Africa - Truck 1
Coming Soon to Waikato
Baby Slings
A complaint about Manual Breast Pumps
HOTmilk Designed Well
HOTmilk Australia
Glamourmom Tops
Plus Size Maternity Bras
Free Breast Pump - You can Win
Email Marketing Finds it Way Back to Writer
Breastfeeding in NZ
Wool Cot Blanket
Nappy Bags Online
Bras for Africa
Successful Self Employed WAHM
Clothes for Breast Feeding
HOTmilk PJs
Nursing Clothing - How to Use
Breastfeeding Tshirts - How to Use
Nursing Covers - How to use
Start-Up please vote for me
Maternity Sleep Wear HOTmilk
Medela Online
Hotmilk NZ
Maternity Camisole
Order from Singapore
Gifts for Mommy - to -Be
Customer in the States
Breastfeeding Australia
Find a Midwife
HOTmilk UK
HOTmilk United States
Medela Swing Breast Pump
Medela Pump In Style
Medela Freestyle Double Pump
How to Use a Manual Breast Pump
Breastmates Review
Hey Lady If you are watching me today then don't c...
Breastfeeding Advice
Breastfeeding at Work
HOTmilk Australia
Clothes for Breastfeeding
Natural Maternity Products
Knickers for Africa
Breast Pump to Get Milk
Medela and Avent Breast Pumps
Suction on Medela Pumps
Breast Feeding Bracelets
HOTmilk Netherlands
Snickers Bar
HOTmilk Online
Avent Online
Medela at Breastmates
Blog Posts for February
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
We have been here a week today, and feels like it has been always.
- we can hear the cows mooing at night, even though the Green Belt where they are is about 5 minute drive away. The silence of the neighbourhood must carry the sound
- at the petrol station, none of the pumps are on Prepay. You can just drive up to a pump, fill your car, then go inside and pay. In Auckland we had to pay first, then fill the tank. Which was a pain because I never knew how much money to put on, now I can just push the Fill button again.
- there are 3 op shops in town. Yesterday someone on the street asked me where the Sally Army shop was, and I could answer her!
- Today we went to the above mentioned Sally Army shop, and for 1 year old baby we got one of those Fisher Paykel scooter things that converts from a ride on to a scooter for only $4 in good condition. BARGAIN
- The grannies at all the shops we go to, stop to comment on my cute kids and chat. No one did that in Auckland. Even with a newborn baby I can never remember any old people stopping to comment on cuteness. And Yes they were the cutest babies.
So far I am liking Cambridge town.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Free Gift with Purchase

FACT: 80% of men's undies are bought by women.
Simply purchase two sets of HOTmilk from Breastmates, and you can get a free pair of men's boxers to share the love with your man.
See conditions below*
- 2 sets of lingerie (2 bras and 2 knickers), or
- 2 sets of sleepwear, or
- 1 lingerie set (bra and knicker) and 1 sleepwear set
Saturday, April 4, 2009
milkman boxers
The winner will also be named the HOTmilk milkMAN and secure the role for the model for the 2009 photoshoot of the boxers which will be sold for charity. Enter your dude here, and tell them that "Breastmates referred you". Good luck it is an awesome prize!!!!
Keep your eye on our Breastmates website to learn how you can get a free pair of Hotmilk milkMAN boxers for your guy!
Enter milkman Competition

Thursday, April 2, 2009
Breastmates Waikato
Here are a few things I have noticed already about living in a small town.
The people here are so friendly, everyone on the street says hello.
There are pretty much only white people around. This is a big change from our multicultural community in Royal Oak, and makes me a little sad that my children wont mix with as many cultures. I wonder if the local preschool my children will go to will also celebrate Divaali Indian Festival of Lights like we did before? (sp)
Meat at the supermarket is a lot cheaper
I was in a shop yesterday and the till didn’t have enough cash for $15 change, so the shop owner popped to the shop next door!