Thursday, February 26, 2009
HOTmilk France
I asked her the other day if she had received the HOTmilk that I sent to her in France.
This is a copy and paste from her email. If you look at the TO: FROM: DATE: lines of her email you will see that this is genuine and in French, I think. How cool! I reakon you can almost hear her accent.
I have removed her name and email address of course. But wanted to share..
En date de : Jeu 19.2.09,
> a écrit : <>Objet: RE: Breastmates OrderÀ:
Date: Jeudi 19 Février 2009, 19h47
Yes i received 2 others paquets.
For the size it's correctly.
Because i didn't know exactly what is my size, it depends in the daytime, i nurse and certain day have a big breast and other day more small.
So thanks a lot for advance
Best regards
Changes to Breast Size During Pregnancy
I received this question from a website visitor earlier this week, and thought I would blog about it as there might be other people with the same question.
"I am only 8 weeks and gone from a D cup to an E overnight. I m not sure what size I am going to end up and I wondered if you could provide some advice....or let me know from your experience what is a common experiences. ...."
So I replied along the lines of:
Most women generally go up at the start of their pregnancy, like you have done. They notice their breasts increase at aroudn 3-4 months. This increase is usually about a cup size and they remain this size for the majority of their pregnancy.
They might also increase at the end around 36 weeks, which is the time that we measure for a nursing bra. (or you can use our online measuring guide bra size calculator)
But remember that you do need to feel comfortable now, and throughout the rest of your pregnancy, so I would suggest that you do get some bras. The maternity bras do have stretch in the cups, so they do allow for breast size fluctuations , and breast changes during pregnancy.
There is some more information on these pages:
We stock the complete range of HOTmilk lingerie
Natural Nappy Cream
Bras for Africa - Press Release

Frances McInnes, the owner of Breastmates Breastfeeding Store, is asking women to donate any of their preloved bras which will be collected up and sent to women in Zimbabwe.
Breastmates is running the collection drive in conjunction with HOTmilk the supplier of the maternity bras that are sold as part of Breastmates’ range, and former-Zimbabwean Morag Roy who saw the need for bras in the country.
The bras will be distributed to school girls and women who often do not own any underwear. Something as simple as underwear gives women prestige, shows that they have money, and means men are less likely to assault them.
The collection is called “Knickers for Africa” but Frances clarifies that only secondhand bras are being collected from the public. “We are also sending our end-of line knickers that are brand new, not secondhand ones.”
Frances says she is “extremely pleased to put her energy into this project”, and that “if all she has to do is ask people for their old bras for it to make a change to another person’s life, then it is totally worth the effort.”
Frances has already started taking collections, through pamphlet drops in her neighbourhood, local community groups, and promotions on her website.
“I’ve been quite bombarded with bras already, every day there are a few more in the mail box and my postie must wonder what is going on.”
The collection is being run from February through to March, when the bras will be shipped to women living in villages in Zimbabwe, Africa.
For more information go to

Saturday, February 21, 2009
Breastfeeding Bracelets
So now we have the Mother's Minder Breastfeeding Reminder Bracelets in Pink, blue, purple, mint and plain white.
These are a simple little gadget, but are a godsend when you have a new baby to keep track of the times you fed baby and what side breast.
They are also ideal during pregnancy so you can keep track of baby kicks during the day, and make sure you get to 12 kicks each day.
You can order these little breastfeeding bracelets on our website, they are a cool baby shower gift too. Order here:

Friday, February 20, 2009
Orders from Dubai

Comments from a recent customer in Dubai: "I have been searching everywhere for the larger BPA free bottles and finally found you through an internet search with your 250mL Medela."
Breastfeeding PJs SALE
This really is a good time to get yourself some of these HOTmilk jarmies, they are lovely and are a nice way to treat yourself!
You can order online at Breastmates, we do send HOTmilk worldwide

Prices are reduced by 50%! So if you are ordering from New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Europe, America, Russia, or theUK - well anywhere in the world - then this going to be great buying for you.
For international orders the currency exchange rates makes these bras about $15 USD!!

We also have a bra fitting guide that shows you how to measure yourself. So you can measure your size at home, and convert bra sizes for different countries.

Nursing Covers
There is also a new style of Red fabric design for the nursing covers, this has stitched on detailing in a sort of floral pattern.
These nursing covers are made in New Zealand.

My Brest Friend Pillows
We will have them available very soon, probably next week, at the Breastmates website
My Brest Friend pillows are big, but not overly huge, and very supportive for mum and baby while nursing. They actually have a lumbar back support which really makes a difference to your comfort while breastfeeding.
For more information, go to this webpage

Thursday, February 19, 2009
Wireless Bras
"I just wanted to ask if you would be happy for me to recommend you to my clients that I see who require wireless bra's. My clients are women who have had breast reconstruction and they are not allowed to wear bra's with underwire and often usually have difficulty finding non-underwire bra's. Many of the ladies I see wear breast feeding bra's. I noticed on your website you have the maternity bra option without the unlatching part which would be great for them. And also the bra's are pretty which would make them feel nice following something so challenging. Let me know if you are happy for me to refer. "
All of the HOTmilk bras that we stock, none have underwires so they would be great for these clients. Most bra styles have the nursing clips, but we have one particular style that does not have the nursing clips. So this can be worn by anyone not breastfeeding and I think would be ideally suited for women that have had the challenge of breast reconstruction. They are wireless bras of course too.

Medela Car Adapter

Breastfeeding Photo

Blue Eyes



I am using a teething necklace for him, and I think it helps.
He has 7 teeth so far. Age 10 months.
HOTmilk Bra's and Knickers
HOTmilk Season Preview 2007
HOTmilk Bra - Baby Doll Delicious
HOTmilk -HOTmilk Bra Cherry Bomb Chic
HOTmilk - HOTmilk Lingerie Silver Sass Kitten
HOTmilk - Maternity Bra Sinfully Sweet Seductress
HOTmilk Season Preview 2008
HOTmilk Bra - Whisper Sweet Wickedness
HOTmilk Bra - Ablaze with Azure
HOTmilk - Love in a Mist
HOTmilk - Delicate and Dangerous
HOTmilk Maternity Bra Full Figure - Age of Allure
Hot Milk Plus Size Lingerie - Confidence is Radiance
Hot Milk Maternity Bras - Midnight Mystique
Hot Milk Breastfeeding Bras - Silhouette of a SecretHot milk maternity nightie - Portrait of Desire
Hot Milk Breastfeeding PJ - Indulge in a Moment
Hotmilk Sexy Hotmilk Lingerie - Her Desire was Dangerous
HOTmilk Sexy Maternity Bra - Zoom Detail of Her Desire was Dangerous
HOTmilk Sexy Hotmilk Lingerie Online - Her Playfulness
HOTmilk Tshirt Maternity Bra - Her Playfulness was Captivating Zoom
Hotmilk Sexy Full Figure Lingerie - She Blushes
HOTmilk Full Figure Maternity Bra - She Blushes Zoom
HOTmilk Sexy HOT milk Lingerie - She Embraced
Hotmilk HOTmilk Bra - She Embraced the Moment Zoom
Hotmilk Pregnancy Bra - She Craved a Little Decadence
HOTmilk Maternity Breastfeeding Camisoles
HOTmilk HOTmilk Maternity and Nursing Camisole - Ruffle My Feathers
HOTmilk Breastfeeding Camisole - Sweet Remininsice
HOTmilk Maternity Breastfeeding Nighties
HOTmilk Maternity Nightie Slip into Seduction
HOTmilk Breastfeeding Nightie Portrait of Desire
HOTmilk Maternity Breastfeeding PJs
HOTmilk Maternity Pyjamas - Sugar Coated Comfort
HOTmilk Hot Maternity PJs Indulge in a Moment
HOTmilk Customer Feedback
Feedback from customers about our lingerie, delivery and service.
We may not always have time to keep this index of HOTmilk history and styles up to date. However you can click on our current HOTMILK LINGERIE PAGE for everything in stock.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Breastmilk Storage Bags

The breastmilk storage bags that we sell at our webstore Breastmates, are sterile and ready to use. You can attach them directly onto your breast pump too.
For more information on breastfeeding and storing breastmilk, go to our main website
Breastfeeding Campaign

An extract from NBC Bay Area
"A series of life-sized photographs of women breastfeeding their babies, cut-out and plastered on poster board, is all part of an eye-catching campaign to encourage and promote the acceptance of breastfeeding in public.
The Marin Breastfeeding Coalition said it would love for everyone to notice the campaign and to question why they were even paying so much attention to a breastfeeding mother in the first place.
The group wants the public to know that breastfeeding in public is perfectly acceptable and that it is actually protected by law. "
You can read the full article here:
I think this is a brilliant campaign. Maybe we could get something like this started in New Zealand. But then again, breastfeeding in public is very well accepted in our country.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Double Breast Pump used as Manual
Question: I have a mini double electric pump and am wondering if I can get something to convert it to being a manual pump?
Answer: Yes it is possible to buy a little kit which converts the electric pump into a manual. This is known as a Conversion Kit to Manual Breast Pump.
Just let me know if you would like to order one, and we can organize that for you.
Gina Ford Routine
For the frequency that you’d need to do the pumping, I would suggest either the Mini Electric pump, or the Swing pump which are both the medela brand. You can see more information about them here
Just let me know if you would like to start an order
Monday, February 16, 2009
Breastfeeding Cushion
I do have the large bean filled ones which are also great for twins, here

Friday, February 13, 2009
Salma Hayek Breastfeeding African Baby
Salma Hayek is such an advocate of breastfeeding. The latest thing that I heard about, was when she was visiting Sierra Leon working with UNICEF to eliminate tetanus. A clip was featured on US Nightline show.
During the interview an African mother said that her baby didn't get much breastmilk. So Salma nursed the baby for her! The TV camera clearly recorded Salma breastfeeding, and you can see the baby suckling and looking very content. Wet nursing.
The TV segment discusses the importance of breastfeeding, especially in countries like Sierra Leone where malnutrition is rampant.
The fact that Salma wet nursed another women's baby is sure to be quite controversial.
You can see the video here
Salma has spoken to the media about breastfeeding before, on Oprah when she said breastfeeding doesnt help weight loss, another time when she said she addicted to breastfeeding and pumping all the time to get lots of milk. I love it that she is such a proud breastfeeding mama, even if she is a celebrity!
Return to the main Breastmates webstore
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Valentines Day - Saturday
Valentines Day is on Saturday.
There are going to be a lot of happy mums and mums-to-be who open up their parcels from Breastmates!! It has been great fun wrapping their Valentines gifts on behalf of their partner.
I wonder what my hubbie might get me...if anything.... a sleep in would be heaven!!
Baby Wraps
They do also make a great baby shower gift, its something you KNOW that the mother will enjoy using.
The baby wraps can even be used right up until about 9 or 10 months old!!

BellyBra Online in Black
The BellyBra that we stock on our website, that is so popular with so many mums, is now available in BLACK. Finally, its about time!
The Bellybra is a support garment that is comfortable to wear, (like bathing suit fabric) and which provides support for your growing belly and back/hips.
You can order the Bellybra at our webstore Breastmates :
Victoria's Secret Maternity
This maternity bra has been specially designed to be worn throughout pregnancy.
And it can also be worn for anyone that wants a pretty non-underwire bra.
You can order this maternity bra at our webstore, we do ship worldwide. View more information here:
Chu Chu Teats - Love Them

Nursing Covers
Quote ""I have been really pleased with the hideaway feeding cover it makes breast feeding any where easy. I also get lots of comments about what a good idea it is"
We have a whole range of nursing covers at our webstore Breastmates. Some people might be familiar with the Bebe Au Lait brand, but these are the Hideaways brand which are made in New Zealand.
You can see more styles on our website here:
Bebe Au Lait - New Zealand

Breast Pumps for Twins
If you are planning to use the breast pump to express milk for all of the feeds, like if you are having twins, then the best pump I would recommend is the Medela Pump in Style Travel. The second best would be the Medela Swing. Both of these pumps are suitable for the large amount of expressing that you need to do.
The Medela Pump in Style and the Medela Swing Breast Pump both have similar suction and power levels. They are both very quiet and comfortable to use. The main difference between these is that the Pump in Style Travel is a double pump so it is a little bit quicker to use as you can express both breasts at the same time. The Swing pump is also very good to use, and it is smaller aswell which some people prefer.

I really don’t want to recommend the Mini Electric Plus double, it is not very powerful and it is very noisy. This is the same as the Mini Electric single, just that you can do both breasts at the same time. But the power rating and suction in this pump is not the greatest, and this particular pump wouldn’t really stand up to the frequent expressing that you are planning to do.
Anyway, let me know what you decide and we can sort out the ordering process for you.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
So that makes 2 celebrities that have purchased from me in 2009 already.
She was very nice, and even wrote ME a message to say she had received it and she liked it.
yay me.
Hey Kath - Can you Hear Me?
She lives out in the whop whops in Taranaki, and never used to have interent. Now she has moved closer into town (still whop whops though) and is pleased they have internet. She said it was broadband.
Anyway, while we were chatting I asked her to check out my new Press Page on my website. It took ages to load, so we kept chatting while she was waiting for the page to load. It never did during our conversation.
So either I have a problem, or else her internet is really really slow. Or maybe it is because here in the Big Smoke our house is right next to one of the Broadband Cable Wire Box Things and that makes our connection faster.
So anyway, now that I know my sister know the address of my website, I wonder if she will stumble across this blog.
If so, Kath, can you please post a comment on here...
Manual Breast Pump
This is a demonstration that I have made to show how to use the Medela Harmony Manual breast pump. No breasts or nipples were used in the making of this film.
This movie shows a distinction on how the manual breast pump works with the two phases - firstly quick pumping to stimulate milk let down. Then when the milk starts flowing, you switch to the other end of the handle for slower longer pumps. Like a baby does when sucking.
This manual breast pump can be quick and easy to use. The 2-phase for milk let down really helps to speed up the time it takes to express breast milk.
We do have the whole range of Medela Breast Pumps, Medela Spare Parts, and Accessories online at our store
Clothes for Breastfeeding
3/4 length sleeves.
"kimono" type of design.
Has a hidden underlayer so that you can easily access your breasts for nursing.
This is available in this pink colour, for sizes 8 to 18

You can order it from our maternity webstore here:
Being a WAHM
Man it is soooooooooo hot here!! I miss the cool refridgerated feeling of the office!!
Breastfeeding Wraps
Medela Symphony Breast Pump
Spare Parts Symphony
Membrane Cap
Protective Membrane
Silicone Tubing with Polygon Connector
Lactaset Single Pump set for Lactina Rental
Symphony Double Pump Kit
Symphony Conversion Kit to Manual Breast Pump
Conversion Kit to Mini Electric Breast Pump
Spare Parts for Manual Breast Pump (with piston action)
Manual Breast Pump
Rubber Seal for Piston
Piston no seal
Yellow Cylinder no vacuum regulator ring
Vacuum Regulator Ring for cylinder
Cylinder Holder includes port cap
Port Cap for cylinder holder
Silicone Tubing with Polygon Connector
Double Pump Upgrade Kit converts single pump set or Lactaset into Double Pump
Symphony Upgrade Kit converts any medela pump into a single pump set for the Symphony Pump
Just contact us if there is anything that you need to find for your medela pump. Go to our main website
Friday, February 6, 2009
Medela Citystyle Bag
I need to purchase 8 of the 250ml medela bottles, and 4 medium flow teats. I really like the Citystyle bag. Is it possible to purchase this with the 250ml bottles? Will they fit in the bag?
The answer to this question is no. The Medela Citystyle bag only comes with the 150mL size medela bottles. But YES the 250 mL bottles will fit into the bag, you just need to purchase them seperately.
You can get them on our website here:
Tubing for Breast Pump
Answer: Please just email me and we can get this organised for you. We can supply all breast pump tubes and connectors.
For a full list of medela spare parts, click this link Medela Spare Parts
Medela Mains Adapter
Answer: Does your daughter inlaw need a new motor for her existing pump? Or does she just need a mains adapter so that she can use the pump that she already has, on the NZ power frequency of 240 volts?
If it is the latter, then she will just need the Medela Mains Adapter. This new mains adapter will mean that she can use her existing pump from overseas, but plug it into the NZ power socket with this adapter and it will still work.
For more information go to our medela spare parts list here: Medela Spare Parts
Medela Spare Parts - Membrane
Answer: Yes we have these medela air membranes in stock, they are sold in a packet of 6 membranes and 2 valves. Delivery is $6 by courier within NZ or we can ship worldwide if you need to.
You can order them via this page here:
Adiri Bottles
1. Will the Adiri warming caps be available soon? Answer: Yes they will be coming to New Zealand sometime in 2009, just depends when the NZ distributor gets their supply of Adiri Warming Caps. Contact us here at Breastmates and we can let you know when the stock is ready.
2. Once there is wear and tear on the nipple of the Adiri bottle, is it possile to change just the nipple or must the entire bottle be bought new? Anwer: No, it is not possible to just purchase the nipple part of the bottle. You would need to replace the entire thing.
3. Also, I was just wondering if you have used these Adiri bottles before? Is this something you would strongly recommend? As my little 4 month old son is adamant on not taking the bottle :) But I'd really like to have him on half breastfeeds and half bottle feeds. What I've read so far of the product is very promising :)
Yes I have used the adiri bottles. I do like them. I also had trouble getting my youngest son to drink from a bottle, he never liked having any teats go into his mouth and wouldn’t even close his mouth to suck. I actually had better luck with him using a Chu Chu teat as baby has to push down and “latch” like they do with a bottle. So this Chu Chu teat actually worked a lot better for me, and the good thing with these is that 1 size will suit all babies.
The Adiri bottles are nice because they are soft and squishy like a boob, so they have a similar feeling. My son now happily drinks from either an adiri bottle, or a narrow neck bottle with a Chu Chu teat.
You can read more information about the Adiri Bottle here: